At the Microsoft Business Applications Summit, Microsoft showed two significant new capabilities of Power Platform.

Custom Pages are now backed by the full flexibility of the Power Apps canvas to craft pixel-perfect UX.

Users can now connect to over 400 data sources, and leverage Power Fx for approachable low-code logic, which will now be able to embed seamlessly within model-driven applications.

So what does this translate to? Well, the result is a ready-for-enterprise app that can fluidly combine grids and forms over Microsoft Dataverse with completely tailored custom screens:


What’s more, makers can build these unified experiences with the new Modern App Designer, so ultimately assembling a fully responsive application backed by Dataverse takes just a few clicks. 

​Users will be able to input grids and forms simply by selecting a table, all Preview the running app live in the designer, and craft custom pages right inline.

All of this is on its way to land in production regions next month — stay tuned to the blog to ensure you don’t miss any update! 

​Book a chat with one of our team here to learn how this feature can help your organization to be more efficient.