The Human Resources Induction System is a custom-built app that guides staff through company induction in a simple, user-friendly manner. After reading each policy document staff members are required to answer questions, and real-time management reports show where each person has reached in their induction process.

By adding your policies or procedure PDFs, and asking your staff to confirm their understanding of each document, this HRIS application will make induction a breeze. Our HR package includes other useful HR tools such as a skills matrix for progression planning, a leave request workflow and a certifications and qualifications register.

Here’s a response we received from one delighted HR Director:

“Finally, a quick and easy one-time implementation where I can create questions myself and see all the reports, using the SharePoint system we already had in place. I love the proven accountability of induction!”


Why use HRIS?

  • Faster onboarding of new staff
  • Audit staff policy comprehension
  • Rich functionality out of the box
  • Easy-to-consume summaries and reports
  • Personalise questions for each policy:
    • Multiple choice
    • Free text fields
    • Set correct answer
    • Choose correct text match % threshold
    • Includes bonus role qualifications across staff applet

For the end-user
A simple and easy-to-use system that clearly shows all policies staff must read, together with applicable questions about each one. Once policies are complete and correct they move down to the bottom of the screen, so each document can be read again later.

For the HR Team
Simple config page guides you through uploading policies and setting questions for each one. Our included manuals explain how to update policies and add events and HR contacts to the landing page.

For Management
Easy-to-consume real-time reporting on staff policy comprehension, including results and whether policy questions are complete or incomplete. Quick summaries indicate which staff are yet to complete their induction.

Impact Com Tech are experts in developing custom applications within SharePoint and have packaged up a few of our favourites – these quick bundle applications can be added to your existing SharePoint systems for a fraction of the development cost. Each bundle has different limitations, client expectations and system requirements. Click on ‘Check Out Our Bundles’ to see the other amazing packages Impact Com Tech have to offer.

To find out more, download our HRIS brochure or contact us on 1300 228 744 or tristram@impactcomtech.com.au