Every business likes to think of themselves as different to all the other businesses out there, and in many ways that is entirely true. Equally, every business has similarities to lots of other businesses, but at Impact Com Tech it is the unique combination of factors that we feel put us in a category all of our own.
In combination, these factors mean that there is no business that operates quite like us, at least not that we have come across, and we often get told as much by customers and other business owners we work with. These are the qualities that together, we believe differentiate us.
Through our membership of and giving impacts through B1G1, as well as various philanthropic ventures such as the CEO Sleepout, the Captains Club, The Impact Place, support services for Tech for Social Impact customers, and our commitment to supporting NFPs to do more with less, we genuinely believe that our business makes a huge positive contribution to or society, both locally and on a global scale.
Through defining our core values, and ensuring they are embedded in all that we do and how we engage both internally and externally, we hold ourselves to extremely high standards of ethics, behaviour and quality, which is reflected in the number of customer testimonials and referrals we receive, as well as the awards we win. More than just a mission and vision statement, we hold each other to account for demonstrating these values, and recognise excellence within the team when they are embraced completely.
We only work with the Microsoft cloud technology stack, being Microsoft 365 (Office 365), Dynamics 365, the Power Platform and Azure, and we work across all of it. There are other providers who work across the whole Microsoft applications suite, but they tend to be global organisations focusing on the enterprise sector. Most other providers in our space focus on parts of the Microsoft offerings, not all, and much as we integrate Microsoft applications with lots of other third-party systems, we don’t work with customers who don’t use any Microsoft products.
Every week we have a team meeting where all team members are expected to contribute their ideas on how we can improve our operations. We have weekly check-in meetings where our leadership team share and receive feedback individually with everyone on the team. We also have daily huddles to check in with progress on project work, as well as quarterly performance reviews to map personal goals with company goals. On top of this, we run Strategy Days 3 to 4 times per year, where we drill down as a team into areas to improve performance, refine KPIs, learn new skills and refine our service offerings for our customers.
We have been partnering with various businesses to help fill gaps in their service offerings, as well as leverage their specialist skills where we don’t have them within our own team, and this gives us a lot more reach when it comes to the solutions we can build. Most of our opportunities came from other IT and Managed Services Providers for the first 2 years, and recently we focus more on partnerships with business outside the industry, such as business coaches and consultants, accountants, business brokers etc.
We realised that our approach to delivering customer solutions is quite different to what most of the market provides, based on the feedback we have received and the competitive situations we have found ourselves in. For this reason, we formalised those differences into our own project methodology, which we call T5 (T to the power of 5) and this has led to us spinning off some parts of the methodology into distinct offerings, such as our IT Audit and Strategic Roadmap product
Having noticed that we were often building similar solutions for businesses from scratch, we saw the potential for us to build standardised solutions that could be customised after installation, which has many benefits. It is great for our customers who can buy SharePoint or Dynamics CRM as a complete ‘starter kit’ solution that does everything they need out of the box at a low fixed price, and as they realise the power of these tools, they can customise them to meet their own specific requirements. It also means they don’t have to invest lots of time in learning about the tools, scoping their requirements and negotiating the cost, as it’s a standard offering that just works as soon as its installed and configured.
When we say we will deliver something, we stand by our commitment and if it means we lose money on a project to get the result we promised, then we do not hesitate. Because of our robust scoping process this very rarely happens, but one of the ways in which our customers describe us as being different is that we will do whatever it takes to keep our word, ensure the customer gets the result they need, and prove it by measuring their ROI (return on investment).
We help small and medium-sized businesses and NFPs to digitize paperwork and automate business processes, allowing you to focus on your core business, while achieving a measurable return on investment. We offer Brisbane Microsoft digital transformation, Brisbane Microsoft SharePoint, Brisbane Microsoft Systems, Brisbane Microsoft 365 and Brisbane Microsoft process automation
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