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Media & Publications

We are proud to be a nationally discussed 
across multiple media formats.

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Books that we're in

Impact Com Tech have been named and featured in published books such as Steve Pipe and Paul Dunn's Our Time to Rise.

Articles that mention us

We have been mentioned in several magazine articles and publications across both online and printed business media.

Audio and video interviews we've done

Multiple podcasts, and webinar series have found value in Impact Com Tech's message, and you can find the recorded interviews here.

Partnership media we feature in

We work within numerous different communities and industries, and have featured in specific partner media.

Client video testimonials

Our clients have recorded many kind things about the outcomes to their business and the experience working with us on projects.

Search page of all of our media combined

You can see a combined view of the books, articles, podcasts and more to search and filter through the media by clicking 'see all'.

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