Impact Com Tech were interviewed by the Education Center of Australia Internships (ECA Internships) due to our ongoing support and enrolments with supporting the next generation of IT professionals.
“Meet Tristram Morgan – Digital Transformation Specialist, founder of Impact Com Tech- Awards Winner of MyBusiness 2020, Business Leader of the Year.
Impact Com Tech started with Tristram’s history of working with applications within telecommunications for many years and delivering solutions that genuinely helped businesses to save money and improve their efficiency via automation.
Formed in 2017 to meet a need in the market, Impact Com Tech exists to help business owners spend more of their time working on what they went into business to do in the first place.”
The tech site interviews prominent industry leaders to get their recommendations on technology tools, and Tristram was invited to share his views about the best CRM on the market – no prizes for guessing what he answered! – and why he recommends it over others. Read his contribution and others here.
To read the full article please click the view button below to open link.
In this article, Tristram was interviewed about what he saw as the most critical current and emerging trends in technology facing businesses in 2021. Download it here for a quick 3-minute read about what to look out for.
To read the full article please click the download button below to open file.
We are honoured to be recognized as a leading provider of business solutions based on the Microsoft Office 365 platform, with APAC CIO Outlook magazine recognizing us for the innovative work we do and the demonstrable ROI we achieve for our customers. Read the full article here.
To read the full article please click the download button below to open file.
It is extremely exciting to have the quality of work we deliver, and the unique way we work with our customers to deliver extraordinary value to their businesses, rewarded with this certificate. Read the interview about what makes us different here.
To read the interview please click the download button below to open file.
Focusing on Microsoft Office 365, Dynamics 365, and related technologies, Impact Com Tech works with customers to identify bottlenecks, inefficient processes and double-handling of information, then designs and implements cost-effective solutions to fix them.
We specialize in helping small businesses use the same tools large enterprises have been capitalizing on for years.
Featured in APAC CIO Outlook
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As proud members of B1G1, we are delighted to have been given the opportunity to write the foreword on their new book about “how to become a Business for Good” called ‘Our Time To RISE’.
It is a step-by-step guide on easy, as well as critically important, it is to generate giving impacts to support the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals through simply doing business as usual. We are giving this book away FREE so please download it here, get inspired and take action to help slow climate change and support those most in need.”
– Tristram Morgan, Impact Com Tech Managing Director
Please click the download button below to open file.
We help small and medium-sized businesses and NFPs to digitize paperwork and automate business processes, allowing you to focus on your core business, while achieving a measurable return on investment. We offer Brisbane Microsoft digital transformation, Brisbane Microsoft SharePoint, Brisbane Microsoft Systems, Brisbane Microsoft 365 and Brisbane Microsoft process automation
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